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'if' by Craig Jun Li at Prairie, Chicago

'Meadowlands' by Max Capus and Mat Mancini at Paris London Hong Kong, Chicago

'The Particular Matter of a Pisces Rug' by Kelly Kaczynski at Weatherproof, Chica

'The Apartment' by Kira Scerbin and Justin Ortiz at Droll, Chicago

'documentum' by Craig Jun Li and olivier at Weatherproof, Chicago

'Spun Time' by Melanie Wiksell at Jargon Projects, Chicago

'innocence is cheap, but ten dollars lasts forever' by Anoushé Shojae-Chaghorvand

'Antidote' by Graham Wiebe at Jargon Projects, Chicago

'Liz's Childhood Computer: 2003-2005' by Liz Vitlin at Prairie, Chicago

'Does One Write About an Encounter With Nothing' by Boz Deseo Garden at Jargon Pr

'Green Belt', Group Show Curated by Em Marie Davenport at Jargon Projects, Chicag

'Rest' by Quay Quinn Wolf at Prairie, Chicago

'Seæmings' by Zach Meisner at MICKEY, Chicago

'Memorial Universe!' by Ella Rose Flood at Jargon Projects, Chicago

'Floor Paintings, Chair Paintings' by Nick Perr at Jargon Projects, Chicago

'Sleeping Twin', Off-Site Group Show, Chicago

'Suspension of Belief' by Anaïs Morales at Prairie, Chicago

'Dresses Without Women' by Bailey Connolly & Isabelle Frances McGuire at Mickey,

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