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'The Problem with Tricksters', Group Show at Snow Room at After Howl Studio, Brussels

« He spends his time getting tangled up in all sorts of situations where he becomes a laughing- stock. He's not really bad, but sometimes he does atrocious things, out of sheer consciousness and a total lack of sense of relationship to others. » 

The trickster is both a figure of ancient Native American myths, as well as mass entertainment, a double meaning also makes the trickster a crook, a rascal. 

Deborah Bowmann, Heloïse Colrat, Nicholas Goudket, Lucile Martin, Mario Melis, Chloé Momi, Victoria Palacios, Justin Somjen, Nicolas Valckenaere

Curation and stage design by Clément Hébert, Rachel Magnan

After Howl

'ABSINTHE', Group Show Curated by PLAGUE at Smena, Kazan

'Pupila' by Elizabeth Burmann Littin at Two seven two gallery, Toronto

'Auxiliary Lights' by Kai Philip Trausenegger at Bildraum 07, Vienna

'Inferno' by Matthew Tully Dugan at Lomex, New York

'Зamok', Off-Site Group Project at dentistry Dr. Blumkin, Moscow

'Dog, No Leash', Group Show at Spazio Orr, Brescia

'Syllables in Heart' by Thomas Bremerstent at Salgshallen, Oslo

'Out-of-place artifact', Off-Site Project by Artem Briukhov in Birsk Fortress, Bi

'Gardening' by Daniel Drabek at Toni Areal, Zurich

'HALF TRUTHS', Group Show at Hackney Road, E2 8ET, London

'Unknown Unknowns' by Christian Roncea at West End, The Hague

'Thinking About Things That Are Thinking' by Nicolás Lamas at Meessen De Clercq,

‘Funny / Sad’, Group Show by Ian Bruner, Don Elektro & Halo, curated by Rhizome P

'Don’t Die', Group Show at No Gallery, New York

'Almost Begin' by Bronson Smillie at Afternoon Projects, Vancouver

'I'll Carry Your Heart's Gray Wing with a Trembling Hand to My Old Age', Group Sh

'hapy like a fly' by Clément Courgeon at Colette Mariana, Barcelona

'Fear of the Dark' by Jack Evans at Soup, London

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